Post datesort icon Title Tags #Cmts
2014-12-26 I created a Udemy course on my favourite linux commandline productivity techniques aliases, bash, commandline, linux, productivity, terminal
2014-04-30 My top-languages-per-use-case list programming languages
2014-04-16 New blog
2014-03-05 The smallest pipeable python script Python, unix
2014-01-16 Vote for ProcessWire to be packaged as a BitNami image
2014-01-07 A recipe for combining static workflow definition with dynamic run request with luigi
2013-11-13 Calling Java from Python without the JVM startup latency: NailGun and JPype java, JPype, JVM, NailGun, Python
2013-10-16 New Google+ communities: Bioclipse, Cheminformatics, Semantic MediaWiki Bioclipse, Cheminformatics, planet bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki
2013-09-05 How to force update of the layout of a Eclipse JFace Wizard? Bioclipse, Eclipse, java, JFace
2013-09-03 How to open a bash prompt with SSH agent enabled
2013-08-30 Don't use Swedish keyboard with vim/screen/bash bash, linux, productivity, screen, vim
2013-08-09 Easier debugging of Go programs on the command line with CGDB Debugging, Go
2013-08-08 Profiling and creating call graphs for Go programs with "go tool pprof" Go
2013-08-02 My Go(lang) links Go
2013-07-30 Python-like generator functions in Go Go, Python
2013-07-04 Workaround for non-working sound in MP4 clips in Cinelerra Cinelerra, Video
2013-07-03 Lessons learned from UPPNEX just published in GigaScience uppnex
2013-06-21 Go speedup with threading, for line by line string processing Bioinformatics, DNA, fasta, Go
2013-05-20 Where to change between Emacs and Vim mode for bash line editing? bash, emacs, vim
2013-05-10 Moar Languagez! GC content in Python, D, FPC, C++ and C (and now Go) Bioinformatics, C, C++, D, Free Pascal, Go, PyPy, Python 3
2013-05-09 GC content continued: Python vs D vs C++ vs Free Pascal Bioinformatics, C++, D, Free Pascal, Python 15
2013-05-09 Calculating GC content in python and D - How to get 10x speedup in D Bioinformatics, D, Python 3
2013-05-06 Creating a Galaxy tool for R scripts that output images and PDFs Galaxy, PDF, Plotting, R
2013-04-19 How to run a job via python-drmaa on UPPMAX DRMAA, Python, UPPMAX, uppnex
2013-04-19 Commandline git diff that highlights exactly what is changed git
2013-04-11 Simple command line python "IDE" with ipython, screen and vim linux, Python, screen, vim
2013-03-22 Using the Chemical Translation Service with Python to get Inchis from chemical names Cheminformatics, Inchi, Python, XML
2013-03-20 Impressions from the first D Coders Stockholm meetup D, Hackathon 2
2013-03-02 Top D programming language links D 2
2013-02-28 D is great for small utility programs D 1
2013-02-25 How to fix default text editor in Linux Mint
2013-02-16 How to output HTML with multiple files in Galaxy Galaxy
2013-02-16 Fix linker order in D
2013-02-16 The perfect Geany Color Scheme Geany
2013-02-09 Python introduction
2013-01-01 How to correctly compile with curl support in D D
2012-11-21 How to properly install PHP Unit
2012-11-16 Debug PHP with Xdebug in Sublime Text 2 (in Linux mint) SublimeText2 XDebug
2012-09-28 Thoughts and bits from the iRODS Workshop in Linköping iRODS
2012-08-07 UPPNEX reaching 1 PB of NGS storage NGS, storage, uppnex
2012-04-23 UPPMAX arranges NextGen Sequencing Cloud/Hadoop hackathon in May Bioinformatics, cloud computing, hadoop, UPPMAX, uppnex
2012-04-13 Convert unix time stamp to days (for formatting in Open Office etc)
2012-03-23 Print numbers with leading zeros in bash bash, linux
2012-03-09 How to make a bootable Linux Mint USB stick
2012-01-16 Print epoch timestamp as formatted date or time Python
2011-11-04 SMWCon Fall 2011 impressions Semantic MediaWiki
2011-10-31 "Rhapsody"
2011-10-31 My SMWCon Fall 2011 Talk now on YouTube Bioclipse, GSoC2010, planet bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL
2011-10-28 One week off to work on RDFIO GSoC2010, RDFIO, Semantic MediaWiki 2
2011-10-26 iRODS Envizioned Architecture
2011-10-20 Xubuntu Screenshot
2011-10-20 Switched to Xubuntu Ubuntu, XFCE, Xubuntu 1
2011-10-20 New majority voted twitter hashtag for NextGen Sequencing: #deepseq Next generation sequencing
2011-10-05 Fixing Renault Water Blockage
2011-10-05 Fixing Renault Water Blockage Closeup
2011-09-27 Grepping SQL dumps with endless lines? Use the fold command! linux
2011-09-24 My SMWCon Fall 2011 Talk Bioclipse, GSoC2010, planet bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki
2011-09-19 Essential screen flags and shortcuts linux, screen
2011-09-09 How to convert DOS line breaks (\r\n) to UNIX ones (\n) DOS, linux
2011-08-27 Tricks for upgrading from Drupal 5 to 6 Drupal
2011-08-19 HPC Client Screencast: Experimental Job Config Wizard Bioclipse, Eclipse, HPC, linux, planet bioclipse, uppnex
2011-08-13 Extract specific lines from a file, by file number bash, linux
2011-08-12 How to get the workbench, in Eclipse RCP Eclipse
2011-08-05 Activate Plugin Spy in Eclipse
2011-08-01 Execute piped command in Python without the shell=True option Python
2011-07-30 Check for SMW version MediaWiki, PHP, SMW
2011-07-30 Where to check / fix any inconsistent path mapping in Eclipse PDT
2011-07-29 Execute an external command in D D, system administration
2011-07-28 Looping over ArrayList in Java java
2011-07-28 (E)BNF parser for (parts of) the Galaxy ToolConfigs with ANTLR ANTLR, BNF, EBNF, Galaxy, java
2011-07-26 Reset drupal admin password via database Drupal, mysql
2011-07-21 Exercise in XSLT RegEx: (Partial) Galaxy ToolConfig to DocBook CmdSynopsis conversion Command line, DocBook, Galaxy, Regular expressions, XML, XSLT
2011-07-20 How to format an XML document lacking line breaks and indents linux, Ubuntu, XML
2011-07-17 How to enable chroot jail for sftp connections
2011-07-15 How to extract all the lines of a file between two specific strings awk, Regular expressions
2011-07-15 FIMS Project Status update - Thinking about CLI wrapper XML formats DocBook, Galaxy, planet bioclipse, uppnex 1
2011-07-14 Got "select remote file" to work in the Cluster Job Config Wizard Eclipse, planet bioclipse, RSE
2011-07-13 Eclipse RCP Troubleshooting hints Eclipse
2011-06-14 How to fire up a File Service Subsystem with RSE for Eclipse RSE
2011-06-14 Opening a remote file selection dialog with the RSE for Eclipse Eclipse, java, planet bioclipse, RSE
2011-06-14 Separate blog for UPPMAX related posts UPPMAX, uppnex
2011-05-30 How to get your hands on any internal RSE stuff RSE
2011-05-03 iRODS for managing next gen sequencing data in an HPC environment iRODS, UPPMAX, uppnex
2011-04-11 Installing PDT 2.2 with XDebug 2.1.1 on Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu Eclipse, PDT, PHP
2011-04-04 Installing ArgoUML-Python for python code generation from UML Eclipse, Python, UML
2011-04-01 How to run nosetest in PyDev Nose, PyDev, Unit testing
2011-03-31 How to fix non-working product files in Eclipse? Eclipse
2011-03-31 Where to add jar files to an Eclipse plug-in? Eclipse
2011-03-03 A graphical client for running bioinformatics tools on HPC clusters Bioclipse, Bioinformatics, Next generation sequencing, planet bioclipse, uppnex
2011-01-31 Repository of scripts for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) at UPPNEX Next generation sequencing
2011-01-31 Looping over a List<String> in Bioclipse's JS console Bioclipse, Javascript, planet bioclipse
2011-01-17 Operator and Bracket Syntax in PyDev Python Eclipse 1
2011-01-17 Operator and Bracket Syntax highlighting in PyDev
2010-12-28 Eric Python IDE vs PyDev for Eclipse Python
2010-12-28 PyDev Eclipse Python IDE
2010-12-28 Eric Python IDE
2010-11-10 UPPNEX web portal is live! NextGen Sequencing
2010-10-11 Swedberg lecture: Trying to survive the data deluge: bioinformatics tools for analyzing and visualizing large data samples Bioinformatics, Data analysis, Visualization
2010-09-27 How to reference a non-static method from a static context?
2010-09-17 Editing Semantic MediaWiki from Bioclipse (with Screencast) Bioclipse, GSoC2010, planet bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki 1
2010-09-17 RDFIO 0.5.0 released GSoC2010, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL
2010-09-13 How to get Bioclipse plugin development environment up running Bioclipse
2010-09-09 Autumn is here - new projects starting Bioclipse, GSoC2010, planet bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki, semantic web
2010-08-16 RDFIO 0.4.0 released - GSoC Finished! GSoC2010, MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWiki, semantic web 3
2010-08-08 Sensible wiki titles on RDF import with "pseudo RDF namespaces" GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki, semantic web 3
2010-07-30 SPARQL Screen 0.3.0
2010-07-30 RDFIO 0.3.0 released GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL 1
2010-07-22 New release of RDFIO (0.2.0) with security fixes GSoC2010, Semantic MediaWiki
2010-07-17 Screencast: Installing Semantic MediaWiki and RDFIO from scratch on Ubuntu GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL 1
2010-07-16 Screencast: RDF Import and SPARQL "Update" in Semantic MediaWiki GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL
2010-07-15 Moved to new SVN repository (please update links) GSoC2010 2
2010-07-14 GSoC status update July 14 GSoC2010, Semantic MediaWiki, semantic web
2010-07-13 XDebug Config Dialog in Eclipse (4)
2010-07-13 Path mapping config
2010-07-13 XDebug Config Dialog in Eclipse (3)
2010-07-13 Debugging MediaWiki extensions with Eclipse for PHP and XDebug on Ubuntu 10.04 Eclipse, MediaWiki, PHP, Ubuntu 1
2010-07-09 Considering name change: SMW RDF Connector --> SMW RDF IO GSoC2010 3
2010-07-09 New release of Bioclipse (2.4) Bioclipse
2010-07-05 Final version of degree project report Bioclipse, planet bioclipse, PROLOG, semantic web
2010-06-30 RDF properties to use for wiki titles on import - suggestions? GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki 3
2010-06-29 SPARQL Endpoint works
2010-06-29 ARC2 based SPARQL Endpoint for Semantic MediaWiki up running GSoC2010, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL 1
2010-06-28 Populating SMW from RDF/XML (Nicer 2)
2010-06-28 Even nicer with more prefixes GSoC2010, RDF, RDF/XML, Semantic MediaWiki
2010-06-28 Populating SMW from RDF/XML (Nicer)
2010-06-28 Using RDF namespace prefixes in wiki titles GSoC2010, RDF, RDF/XML, Semantic MediaWiki
2010-06-28 Populating SMW from RDF/XML (Using NS prefixes)
2010-06-26 Populating SMW from RDF/XML (First test) GSoC2010, RDF, RDF/XML, Semantic MediaWiki 24
2010-06-26 Populating SMW With Triples (first test).png
2010-06-19 SMWRDFConnector Architecture - mental picture GSoC2010 4
2010-06-19 Working ARC2 RDF Store connector committed ARC2, GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki 2
2010-06-19 Back on track GSoC:ing GSoC2010
2010-06-18 Thesis presentation done 3
2010-06-11 GSoC project next steps (updated in real time) GSoC2010
2010-06-11 GSoC project started GSoC2010 3
2010-06-03 Report approved - preliminary version for download Bioclipse, semantic web, SPARQL, SWI-Prolog
2010-05-13 Google supporting Semantic Web development this summer GSoC2010 2
2010-05-13 First look at code - Thoughts and questions GSoC2010 3
2010-05-13 Playing with SMWWriter Result
2010-05-13 Playing with SMWWriter GSoC2010, Semantic MediaWiki
2010-05-13 Playing with SMWWriter
2010-05-13 XDebug Config Dialog in Eclipse (2)
2010-05-13 Testing set up of SPARQL endpoint for SMW using RAP and NetAPI GSoC2010, Semantic MediaWiki, SPARQL
2010-05-13 Got Eclipse for PHP up running with XDebug Eclipse, GSoC2010, PHP
2010-05-13 XDebug Config Dialog in Eclipse
2010-05-12 NSF soon requiring data management plans Bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki
2010-05-01 Histogram of NMR Shift values in 25000 spectrum dataset
2010-05-01 SWI-Prolog vs SWI-Prolog Minimal vs Jena
2010-05-01 SWI-Prolog vs SWI-Prolog vs Jena
2010-05-01 Prolog query much faster when mimicking SPARQL Jena, planet bioclipse, PROLOG, SPARQL, SWI-Prolog
2010-04-30 Semantic matching semantic web
2010-04-30 Automatically abbreviate authors first names in bibtex BibTex LaTex 2
2010-04-27 GSoC Project accepted GSoC2010 2
2010-04-27 GSoC Proposal: "General RDF export/import in Semantic MediaWiki" GSoC2010, RDF, Semantic MediaWiki
2010-04-26 Browse semantic data in parallell Freebase, semantic web, User interface
2010-04-08 3rd Project Update (Integrating SWI-Prolog for Semantic Reasoning in Bioclipse) Bioclipse, Eclipse, java, Jena, Pellet, PROLOG, RDF, Reasoning, semantic web, SPARQL, SWI-Prolog 2
2010-03-29 On larger datasets and more peaks in the query, Prolog is the fastest Jena, Pellet, PROLOG, SWI-Prolog
2010-03-29 SWI-Prolog vs Jena (New tests)
2010-03-29 SWI-Prolog vs Jena vs Pellet (New tests)
2010-03-24 Correction of flawed results: Close competition between Jena and Prolog Bioclipse, Jena, Pellet, planet bioclipse, semantic web, SWI-Prolog
2010-03-24 SWI-Prolog vs Jena vs Pellet (NMR Spectrum Similarity Search)
2010-03-24 SWI-Prolog vs Jena (NMR Spectrum Similarity Search)
2010-03-20 Semantic web for LAMP systems RDF, semantic web
2010-03-19 GSoC project suggestion
2010-03-16 Querying multiple SPARQL endpoints from single query, with Jena SERVICE extension Bioclipse, Jena, planet bioclipse, Semantic MediaWiki, semantic web, SPARQL
2010-03-12 Need to add "colon dash" before rdf_register_ns PROLOG, SWI-Prolog
2010-03-12 Spatial indexing for SWI-Prolog can be useful for modelling embryology with semantics Developmental Biology, Embryology, PROLOG, Semantic technology, semantic web
2010-03-11 Pellet/SPARQL vs Prolog (NMR Spectrum similarity search)
2010-03-11 Jena/SPARQL vs Prolog (NMR Spectrum similarity search)
2010-03-11 Jena/SPARQL outperformed Prolog for spectrum similarity search Jena, Pellet, PROLOG, SPARQL, SWI-Prolog
2010-03-10 Getting the Blipstart files right
2010-03-08 Bioclipse is finalist for the Eclipse Community Awards 2010
2010-03-03 Screencast: Experimental Prolog integration in Bioclipse Bioclipse, planet bioclipse, PROLOG, SWI-Prolog 3
2010-03-03 SBML turns 500 data formats, SBML, Systems Biology
2010-03-03 Structure and behaviour to co-exist
2010-03-02 Very good review on Semantic Web Tech in Life Sciences semantic web, Systems Biology
2010-03-02 Most of the work is already? (Along the way to model the embryologic process with a semantics/simulation combination) Ontologies, Simulation, Systems Biology 1
2010-03-01 Chemical ring and cage structures need rules (seemingly) Chemical structures, OWL, planet bioclipse, PROLOG, Reasoning, Rule languages
2010-03-01 Building blocks of "wrapping simulations in semantics" already there computational biology, Ontologies, Reasoning, Simulation, Systems Biology
2010-02-20 MIBBI Initiative: Minimum Information about a Biomedical or Biological Investigation
2010-02-19 NMR SPARQL search problem solved NMR, Pellet, planet bioclipse, SPARQL 2
2010-02-19 Great SPARQL FAQ SPARQL
2010-02-18 Think I finally got it what Horn clauses are good for PROLOG
2010-02-18 Tricky reasnong problem for SPARQL and OWL: Lists of property chains containing numerical value constraints NMR, OWL, Reasoning, semantic web, SPARQL
2010-02-18 Representing lists in RDF N3, RDF
2010-02-18 W3C Starter primer for semantic web
2010-02-17 Learning what OWL profiles is (OWL 2 RL in particular) Logic Programming, OWL, Rule languages, semantic web
2010-02-17 Semantic Science Portal contains interesting stuff semantic web
2010-02-17 Powerful new modules for Drupal layouting and ease of use Drupal
2010-02-17 "Orthogonal expressivity" of Pellet and Prolog? Bioclipse, Description Logic, OWL, planet bioclipse, PROLOG, semantic web 2
2010-02-17 Automating answering of questions with no answers - by wrapping simulations in semantics Bioclipse, planet bioclipse, semantic web, Simulation 1
2010-02-17 Java agent-based simulation software Agent Based Computing, computational biology, Simulation, Systems Biology 2
2010-02-16 Installing Telia 3G Mobile Broadband with Option 505 3G modem on Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) 2
2010-02-15 RDF in Drupal Screenshot Drupal, RDF, semantic web
2010-02-10 Molecular biology eye candy computational biology, Gene Regulatory Networks, Simulation
2010-02-10 Systems biology simulation software for future Bioclipse integration? planet bioclipse, Systems Biology
2010-02-09 New Program in Computational & Systems Biology at Uppsala University
2010-02-09 Project on hold (Course being taken)
2009-12-15 Backtracking - Key difference between SPARQL and Prolog? planet bioclipse, SPARQL 5
2009-12-07 [solved] User defined datatypes not working in OWL 1.X Bioclipse, OWL, Pellet
2009-12-03 Idea: How to store Prolog rules in Bioclipse scripts Bioclipse, PROLOG 2
2009-12-03 Performance comparison #2, Simple 13C Spectrum Similarity Search Bioclipse, Pellet, Performance, Reasoning, SWI-Prolog
2009-12-01 Very good Prolog intro PROLOG
2009-11-27 Regex to split up instensity and multiplicity in nmrshift data code snippets, Regular expressions
2009-11-24 File based RDF storage in Pellet, first tests Bioclipse, Pellet 1
2009-11-23 Initial performance comparison: Pellet vs Prolog in Bioclipse Bioclipse, Pellet, PROLOG
2009-11-17 Bioclipse manager method to take arbitrary number of arguments Bioclipse, Bioclipse scripts, planet bioclipse 3
2009-11-13 Catching up on NMR Spectroscopy NMR
2009-11-12 A usage strategy emerges Bioclipse, BLIPKIT, Eclipse, planet bioclipse, PROLOG, SWI-Prolog
2009-11-12 Problems to solve
2009-11-12 Converting RDF predicates to Prolog convenience methods with RegEx PROLOG, RDF, Regular expressions, semantic web, SWI-Prolog 2
2009-11-09 How to deal with rdf namespaces (does not work well with JPL) Bioclipse, BLIPKIT
2009-11-09 Solved problem with using rdf_db (to load RDF data) from Bioclipse
2009-11-04 Nice intro to RDF in Prolog (by Pellet author) Pellet, PROLOG, RDF, semantic web, SWI-Prolog
2009-11-03 Pondering over strategies for evaluating BLIPKIT vs Pellet for use with NMRShift data BLIPKIT, NMR Shift, Pellet, RDF
2009-11-01 Testing out querying Prolog from Bioclipse Bioclipse, BLIPKIT, Eclipse, JPL, planet bioclipse, PROLOG
2009-10-31 Running Ubuntu Karmic Koala and sun-java-6
2009-10-16 Accessing BLIPKIT from command line Java or Eclipse Plug-in in Ubuntu BLIPKIT, JPL, PROLOG, SWI-Prolog, Ubuntu
2009-10-16 Got blipkit started from inside Eclipse BLIPKIT, planet bioclipse, SWI-Prolog
2009-10-16 Finally got blipkit started from java via jpl BLIPKIT, JPL, SWI-Prolog 3
2009-10-15 Things learned today, 15/10 2009
2009-10-14 SWI-Prolog JPL up running inside Bioclipse - Thinking about next steps planet bioclipse, SWI-Prolog 2
2009-10-14 "Refcards" for quickly getting into Bioclipse Plug-in development Eclipse, planet bioclipse
2009-10-14 Eclipse boot process, classloading, incorporation of native code etc. Eclipse, java
2009-10-14 Prolog plugin for Eclipse Eclipse, PROLOG 2
2009-10-13 [SOLVED] How to set java.library.path for an Eclipse/Bioclipse plugin? Eclipse, JPL, SWI-Prolog
2009-10-09 Proposed plan of attack for BioclipseWiki
2009-10-08 Plugin development for Bioclipse - from scratch Bioclipse, Bioclipse SDK, Eclipse, planet bioclipse
2009-10-07 [SOLVED] "Could not find library -lXpm" when building The SWI-Prolog XPCE package PROLOG, SWI-Prolog, Ubuntu
2009-10-07 Keeping track of installed files when building from source, in Ubuntu Ubuntu
2009-10-07 On the two main approaches for knowledge handling on the Semantic Web BLIPKIT, Bold, ECO, Knowledge representation, OWL, PROLOG, RIF, semantic web
2009-10-06 Java/Prolog interface (SWI Prolog JPL) up running! java, JNI, JPL, PROLOG, SWI-Prolog 4
2009-10-06 Reading tip: Quick overview of Prolog and it's role in Semantic Web Description Logic, Logic Programming, OWL, Pellet, PROLOG, semantic web
2009-10-05 Thea - reading OWL2 directly from Prolog BLIPKIT, OWL, PROLOG, semantic web 1
2009-10-04 Description Logic vs Prolog Description Logic, Logic Programming, Pellet, PROLOG
2009-10-01 Semantic web technologies contrasted in a few sentences OWL, RDF, RDF Schema, RDF/XML, Rule languages, semantic web, SWRL
2009-09-29 Plan for week 40
2009-09-23 Cautiously Approaching SWRL
2009-09-23 Pellet: A practical OWL-DL reasoner
2009-09-23 Initial observations on the difference between Prolog based reasoners (Blipkit) and DL-reasoners (Pellet) Bioclipse, Pellet, PROLOG
2009-09-22 Plan for 23/9
2009-09-22 A "Hello World" Prolog program PROLOG 2
2009-09-22 Installing Telia 3G Mobile Broadband with Option 505 3G modem on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) Ubuntu 3
2009-09-18 Switching to Blipkit/BioProlog BLIPKIT, planet bioclipse, PROLOG
2009-09-17 Installing gPapers in Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) Notetaking software, Ubuntu 1
2009-09-16 Blipkit/BioProlog quotes BLIPKIT
2009-09-14 Problems getting DR-PROLOG up running DrProlog, PROLOG 5
2009-09-14 Status: Git on windows git, Windows
2009-09-11 Must-have git how tos git 2
2009-09-11 Empty plugin / Bioclipse manager up running, showing up in Bioclipse JS console Bioclipse, Bioclipse SDK, DrProlog
2009-09-11 How to check out a specific branch from github git
2009-09-10 First week of my degree project passed planet bioclipse 2
2009-09-08 Even more abbreviations... databases, formats
2009-09-07 Starting work on creating a Bioclipse manager Bioclipse, Bioclipse SDK, java, planet bioclipse 2
2009-09-07 saml
2009-09-07 Up and running on Eclipse 3.5 (Bioclipse 2.2) Bioclipse, Eclipse
2009-09-07 Blipkit, A Biomedical Logic Programming Integration Kit BLIPKIT, PROLOG
2009-09-04 Learning abbreviations Bio2RDF, databases, formats, semantic web
2009-09-03 Upgrading to Eclipse 3.5 / Bioclipse 2.2 Bioclipse, Eclipse
2009-09-03 Had to learn some basic vim git, vim
2009-09-03 Looking into git git
2009-09-03 First blog entry 2