The first meetup of the D Coders Stockholm group is just finished.(and the first D meetup ever, as far as we know! :) ). I thought to share some impressions from the meetup.
I was pleasantly surprised that just a couple of weeks after the group started we gathered a group of five D coders for a real meetup, in relatively "small" city like Stockholm. Additionally, theoretically we could have doubled the number, based on the ten members of the D Coders Stockholm meetup group already.
So, what did we do or talk about? A good part of the meeting consisted of doing rounds and sharing each of ours experiences with D coding in different aspects.
At the end, Oscar and Daniel Brynolf (brothers) showed off some quite veru impressive work they have done on a game engine. I'll leave it to them selves to how much they want to talk about it, and not tell too much about it here though.
Anyways, the group turned out to be committed to contiuing with meetups small and large, and we were discussing various ways this could be done.
The main ideas circled around a combination of show-off meetings where we can show stuff we have done and discuss and share experiences, hackathons, as well as simpler "just meetups" over a beer/coffee" type of meetups.
In terms of interest areas, many in the group were interested in game development, but most also seemed to have also a general interest for all things D. One concrete idea for a "hackathon" subject, for example, was to create a group website in vibe.d (promising web framework in D).
Practically we concluded to try to collect ideas for meetup/hackathon topics in an "idea bucket", in the D Coders Stockholm meetup group forum, and when enough topics are gathered, turn it into a concrete meetup. So, let the ideas come! Looking forward to seeing more D in Stockholm/Sweden in the future! :)
Your meetup page:
1) You're linking to the old wiki, the new is
2) D StackOverflow tags might be any of D, D2 or both
3) Deimos is an important resource too:
Ah, yes, have forgot to update the links there as well ... Fixed now! Many thanks!