Profiling and creating call graphs for Go programs with "go tool pprof"

Update: Now covers - as an alternative - to do this in an even easier way, using Dave Cheney's excellent profile library.

In trying to get my head around the code of the very interesting GoFLow library, (for flow-based programming in Go), and the accompanying flow-based bioinformatics library I started hacking on, I needed to get some kind of visualization (like a call graph) ... something like this:

(And in the end, that is what I got ... read on ... ) :)

I then found out about the go tool pprof command, for which the Go team published a blog post on here.

Being a Go newbie, I must admit I had quite a hard time deciphering the blog post though. Maybe it was just a psychological barrier because of all the technological anechdotes, that made it look harder than it actually was. Anyhow, it didn't help that "go run pprof" didn't produce any output if I didn't run processing on a large enough file that it would have time to collect data.

Anyways, with this in mind I wanted to make a slightly easier-to-follow instruction for newbies like me, on how to use "go tool pprof" for profiling and producing call graphs ... but then after I published this post, Dave Cheney pinged me about his excellent profile package, which makes the process even easier, so I went away and updated the blog post to include how to do it both with the profile package, AND with the pprof library itself! :)

Ok, so enough blather, let's get started:

Easy option: Profiling Go programs with the profile package

Easy option Overview: What you will do

  • First you will need to put a very small code snippet in your code, that will output a profile-file (named [something].pprof in your /tmp/ folder) when you run your program.
  • This profile file can then be used with the "go run pprof" command to do various things like output reports of top functions taking time, and not the least, producing a graphical call graph, which is what I was most interested in here.

Easy option Step 0: Install profile

If you have your GOROOT and GOPATH environment variables correctly setup, you should be able to install it with this simple command:

go get

... otherwise you'll have to install it manually from

Easy option Step 1: Add a line of code, to produce a profile file

  • Add "" to your import statement. Something like:

import (
        ... your other imports ...

  • Add the following line at the beginning of your main() function:

    defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile).Stop()

... the result should be something like:

func main() {
    defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile).Stop()
    // ... your main code here ...

Easy option Step 2: Build your program as usual

Something like:

go build [your program].go

Easy option, Step 3: Run your program long enough to get some profiling data

  • Now run your program as usual
    • Note: Make sure it rung long enough to gather data! I had to run my DNA-processing code on a 58MB file rather than my 7.8KB test file I was using first, to get predictable results.

./[your program]

Easy option, Step 4: Copy the cpu.pprof file from /tmp/...

When running the program in the previous step, you will have seen some output like this:

2013/08/08 16:45:58 profile: cpu profiling enabled, /tmp/profile882806532/cpu.pprof

Copy this file to where you are standing right now, with:

cp /tmp/profile[some number]/cpu.pprof .

Read on from step 4, for the rest of the steps ...

Hard option: Using the pprof library directly

Hard option Overview: What you will do

  • First you will need to put in some code snippets (more than in the easy option) in your code, that will output a profile-file (named [something].pprof) when you run your program.
  • This profile file can then be used with the "go run pprof" command to do various things like output reports of top functions taking time, and not the least, producing a graphical call graph, which is what I was most interested in here.

Hard option Step 1: Add some code snippets to your code, to produce a profile file

  • Add "runtime/pprof" to your import statement. Something like:

import (
        ... your other imports ...

  • Add this just before your main() function:

// Profiling stuff ... from
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")

  • Add the following code at the beginning of your main() function:

    if *cpuprofile != "" {
        f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
        defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

... the result should be something like:

// Profiling stuff ... from
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
func main() {
    if *cpuprofile != "" {
        f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
        defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
       // ... your main code here ...

This will add a command line flag "-cpuprofile", which you can later use to specify a filename where to write the profiling data.

Hard option Step 2: Build your program as usual

Something like:

go build [your program].go

Hard option Step 3: Run your program long enough to get some profiling data

  • Now run your program, specifying a filename to the -cpuprofile flag, where to store the profiling data
    • Note: Make sure it rung long enough to gather data! I had to run my DNA-processing code on a 58MB file rather than my 7.8KB test file I was using first, to get predictable results.

./[your program] -cpuprofile=cpu.pprof

The rest (Same for easy and hard option!)

Step 4: Get some nice output from your profile data

  • Now comes the fun part, where you can do nice stuff with your profile data.
  • My favourite here was to output the callgraph as a PDF file:

go tool pprof --pdf [my program] cpu.pprof > callgraph.pdf

Step 5: Enjoy your callgraph

Let's see what that looks like:

Not too bad, no? (Find the PDF version below as well)

Step 6: Try some other commands

Some other output you might want to do:

  • A textual report:

go tool pprof --text [my program] cpu.pprof > report.txt

  • Check the outher options:

go tool pprof 2>&1|less

(Isn't there a nicer way to get a paginated help screen?)

Step 7: Go back to the Go team blog post and learn the advanced options

Now, this might have been an easier start if you are a newbie, but then Dave Cheney's post on profile, and the Go team blog post on runtime/pprof contains info on more advanced use of the pprof tool, so be sure to go back and study it:

basecompl_blow_callgraph_201308081408.pdf17.57 KB