Reading tip: Quick overview of Prolog and it's role in Semantic Web

I Just read this paper on using thea for OWL (Web Ontology Language) reasoning from within Prolog. (Thea is a prerequisite for reasoning with OWL with BLIPKIT, which I'm integrating into Bioclipse.)

Apart from Thea itself (more on that later) the paper - IMO - is well worth reading for anyone looking for a quick overview what Prolog is, how Prolog fits in into the Semantic Web technology jungle, and contrasting it with OWL, Description Logic and Description Logic Programming.

An interesting sidenote is that Pellet is (together with "Fact++") mentioned as "Powerful external reasoners" that can be integrated via the SWI-Prolog JPL Java/Prolog interface. Nice since Pellet is already integrated in Bioclipse! :)