Installing Telia 3G Mobile Broadband with Option 505 3G modem on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Was fighting with installation of Installing Telia 3G Mobile Broadband with Option 505 3G on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) this weekend.

I didn't succeed by following a guide in swedish for that, but using some of the ideas there, combining with other stuff, I finally managed to get it working.

This is how I did (there is some uncertainty as to the exact requirements to get it working though...):

First I downloaded the following files:

  • usb-modeswitch_0.9.7_i386.deb
  • ozerocdoff_0.4-2_i386.deb

Then I installed them by typing, in a terminal:

sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_0.9.7_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i usb-ozerocdoff_0.4-2_i386.deb

Then I downloaded hso-1.12.tar.gz from
(There's a small download link in the bottom of the message)

tar -zxvf
cd hso_26-v1.12/
sudo make
sudo make install

Then I added the following two line at the end of /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules (don't break the lines! It should be two lines only, with an empty line in between)

ATTRS{idVendor}=="0af0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="d055", RUN+="/usr/sbin/ozerocdoff -wi 0x%s{idProduct}"</code>

SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0af0", SYSFS{idProduct}=="d055", SYSFS{bDeviceClass}=="00", RUN+="/usr/sbin/ozerocdoff -wi 0x%s{idProduct}"

(This, and the ozerocdoff software, is for telling Ubuntu not to treat the modem as a CD-ROM, since it is supposed to appear as a CD-ROM in Windows, containing)

Finally you might need to restart (this can be usefel to do now and then):

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart

Then configure network settings in the Gnome network manager:
Right-click the network icon in the top right on the taskbar, then
"Edit connections" > "Mobile broadband".

Add a profile:

  • Number: *99#
  • Username: (blank)
  • Password: (blank)
  • APN:

It seems you will need to add the same profile in the HSOConnect program as well. You can start it either from (in the main Ubuntu menu): "Applications > Internet > HSOConnect"
or, by starting it from a terminal:

sudo /usr/share/hsoconnect/hsoc/HSOconnect

Then add the same details as above (The number, you can't add).

Then, the last step, which seems to be the required:

From , download

  • vodafone-mobile-connect_2.15.01-1_all.deb

and install it, either by running it in GDebi (by double-clicking the file), or by typing, in the terminal (in the same folder where you downloaded the file):
sudo dpkg -i vodafone-mobile-connect_2.15.01-1_all.deb

You might need to start the Vodafone software once, from "Applications > Internet > Vodafone connect" but just close it again.

After a while, you should see that Ubuntu's own network manager, when you click it, shows a new section "Mobile Broadband", where the profile you created earlier is shown, and you should be able to click it to start the connection.

NOTE: I noticed I sometimes had to do:
sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart
in order for changes to take effect.

Feel free to give any feedback or suggestions in the comments below!

Thanks to




Have to restart hardware abstraction layer (hald) every time

I do indeed have to restart the hardware abstraction layer each time after I connect the modem to the USB port:
sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart

Then suddenly my "Telia" profile shows up in the Network Manager :)

And if I restart the computer

And if I restart the computer with the modem connected, I have to unplug/plug it, and then restart the HAL, again, as described above.

Working in Karmic too

Now I got it working in Karmic too.