SMWRDFConnector Architecture - mental picture

This is my current mental picture of the architecture of the parts included in the RDF import/export functionality I'm implementing for Semantic MediaWiki as part of my Google summer of code project. I just got the ARC2 based store functional. The functionality still to be implemented in "dashed" lines:

 - - - - -   - - - - -
 | Export |  | Import |   
 - - - - -   - - - - -
      ^          |     
      |          v     
  - - - - - - - - - -   ---------------
 | Equiv URI handler |->|  SMW Writer |
  - - - - - - - - - -   ---------------
          ^                   |
          |                   v
 ---------------------  ---------------
 | SPARQL+ Interface |  |     SMW     |
 ---------------------  ---------------
          ^        ______/    |
          |       v           v
  -----------------     ----------------
  |  ARC2 Store   |     | MediaWiki DB |
  -----------------     ---------------- 
Edit 22/6: "SPARQL+ Endpoint" --> "SPARQL+ Interface"




I thought everything went via SMW, apparently this is not the case though. I'll have a look at your other publications to figure it out :)

Keep up the awesome work!

Well, everything goes via SMW

Well, everything goes via SMW too, but AFAIS one will have to do some duplication, since things somehow need to go both to the MW articles and the RDF store on import, for example.

But any ideas for improvement are most welcome!

(Thanks for commenting btw! :) )

But indeed ... the connection

But indeed ... the connection from the SPARQL endpont directly to the ARC2 does not make much sense ... better to always go via SMW on writing. Will fix ...

Fixed now, thanks!

Fixed now in the figure, thanks!