Moved to new SVN repository (please update links)

I just moved to a new Google code repository, reflecting the name change of the MediaWiki extension from "SMW RDF Connector" (it's awfully long, isn't it) to "SMW RDFIO", or just "RDFIO", so please update your links!

See also the newly created extension page, which will be the hub for information about the extension in the future.




Why don't you use MediaWiki's code repository? You are missing lot's of synergies like code review, maintenance updates and we could easily check if your extension depends on a core code we are going to change.

Hello! Thanks for the


Thanks for the suggestion. I've been thinking of doing that sooner or later. I merely just felt that it was better to start of in a separate repository while I'm experimenting and the structure of the extension was changing a lot (I wasn't until recently sure if it was going to be one extension or more, or the name of it), and I'm also not a very fluent svn user yet.

But I'll definitely look into it and plan for a move as soon as appropriate!
