(To be improved... got problems with image upload at the moment ... :/ )
After one year of very little PHP / MediaWiki / SMW coding, the time finally has came to get going a bit agian. So first thing was getting a decent PHP IDE with a debugger, up running.
Last year I used Eclipse with PDT (PHP Development Tools) and Xdebug. The installation was a bit tricky though and I had to stay with Eclipse Galileo due to some bugs, but now things have changed. With PDT 2.2 and the latest XDebug (2.1.1), installing on Ubuntu is a snap.
This is what should work:
./configure --enable-xdebug
cp modules/xdebug.so [to wherever you want it]
sudo service apache2 restart
Create a new PHP project.
Create a new PHP file.
Click the Debug button > Debug as > PHP Web page
Be careful! Now you'll see a dialog where you can enter the URL path to the file. In order to have it show up in your web browser, you might need to link the source folder in the eclipse workspace to your /var/www folder, like:
ln -s /home/samuel/eclipse-workspaces/php/PHPTest/ /var/www/phptest
(If you fail to configure this correctly, you can edit it by going: Debug button > Debug configurations > PHP Web Page > [Your actual configuration], then there is a field "URL", where you need to uncheck the "Auto generate" checkbox, and configure the URL correctly. See screenshot:
[Screenshot to be uploaded]