My work at UPPMAX, on the Bioclipse based HPC Client i is progressing, slowly but steadily. I just screencasted an experimental version of the job configuration wizard, which loads command line tool definitions from the Galaxy workbench, and use them to generate a GUI for configuring the parameters to the command line tool in question, as well as the parameters for the Slurm Resource manager (used at UPPMAX). Have a look if you want :) :
The Wizard obviously has quite some rough edges still. My current TODO is as follows:
Set sensible default values i widgets (i.e. when there is just 1 alt)
Use checkboxes and radiobuttons for select fields with few options
Use progress bar between wizard pages that takes time to load
Decide how to take care of the cheetah #if#lse#endif syntax, available in some galaxy tool config files.
Add validation
Use a time widget for the job time
Add a custom view with just a "connect" button, and showing only remote files for the configured host.
More modular loading of modules (hierarchical etc.)
More advanced parsing of options (i.e. allowing to omit params, rather than just saying "no" on them).