A graphical client for running bioinformatics tools on HPC clusters

This blog has been silent for a while and someone might wonder what I've been doing.

One answer is: Developing a graphical client for non-linux-experienced users to connect securely to a computer cluster and configure batch jobs for common bioinformatics software. The project is financed within the UPPNEX project, and so the focus is foremost analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data, but the client will be fully capable to use for any software installed on the cluster.

The client meets a rising need in the next generation sequencing community, since biologists generally have far less experience with *nix systems and programming, than, say physicists, while the vast amounts of sequencing data increases the need to use large scale computing resources such as the ones provided in the UPPNEX project.

I demonstrated a proof-of-concept version at the UPPNEX-SciLifeLab bioinformatics forum on Feb 22nd, and the slides are now available:

As can be seen in the slides, the client is based on the very capable Bioclipse platform.