GSoC Project accepted

Just got to know that my proposed GSoC 2010 project: "General RDF export/import in Semantic MediaWiki" (as documented here), was accepted! That's some good news! :). Mentor will be Denny Vrandečić from the Semantic MediaWiki community.

Surely the project is going to be a challenge but it is a highly motivating one so I'm much looking forward to it, to hopefully, together with my mentor and the community, to solve things, and to learn a lot.

I posted a (slightly shortened) copy of the project proposal and my bio here.

The project will be continuously documented here on this blog, so keep an eye here if you are interested (Use the GSoC2010 tag to filter out relevant posts). Community discussion will likely happen at the SMW-Devel mailing list, and if you want to contact me directly, you can do that at samuel dot lampa at gmail dot com or skype samuel_lampa.

My current status/schedule is:

  • This week: Very busy, finishing thesis report.
  • Next 2 weeks (though starting a little this week): Get dev. environment up running (leaning towards Eclipse with PDT) and looking at code
  • 12/5: Briefing with Denny
  • Up until 9th: Very busy period with exams on 24/5 and 8/6.
  • On 9th: Start coding! (So coding start will be a little delayed, but will make up for that no worries! :) (not to used to having spare time anyway))




Cool! That makes you the second GSoC student in the corridor!

Do you know if there is more Uppsala or Stockholm GSoC participation? Mentors or students? Might be interesting to have a meeting over lunch (Uppsala) or afternoon (Stockholm) to share experiences... As former mentor, I'd love to join in on such a meeting :)

Thanks, and thanks a lot for encouraging ...

Thanks, and thanks a lot for encouraging me to apply! :) That really helped me take the step.

Reg. Uppsala/Stockholm GSoC's; Good question ... have to say I don't know and don't know how to get to know either ... but will see if I can figure it out ...