
I created a Udemy course on my favourite linux commandline productivity techniques

This is something I've been thinking of for a looong long time: Creating a course covering my favourite linux commandline productivity techniques! 

The background is that during my year at UPPMAX super computing center, where we were workikng all days in the terminal, I started looking for the perfect set of easy to implement techniques, that could save me the most time and unneccessary strains in the wrists etc, without getting me drowned in complicated setups that would not work on all computers etc. So, I started thinking about gathering all these lessons in a course.

Not until this summer, when I discovered the awesome udemy platform, did I get it done though (and many months later, after I got the last bits finished, it got published)!

Guess if I was happy about the very first review I got, was a full five star! :), reading "Excellent course. I especially like the coverage of 'screen' and 'terminator'. Ben"):


Anyways, find below a special 50% off coupon just for you my blog readers (with life-time access to the course). Hope you will enjoy the course as well:

(Note: Erroneous link fixed on Feb 14, 2015. Contact me if you used the wrong link by mistake!)

Hope you will enjoy the course as much as I enjoyed creating it! :)