I switched laptop recently, so I needed to set up my development environment for Bioclipse 2.2 plugin development from scratch. Since the instructions for how to do this are spread over a couple of blogs and the wiki, I used the occasion to create an integrated howto, for my own documentation as well as for anyone interested.
For the initial steps I'm following this tutorial, and may refer to it as "the wiki page". This tutorial might contain a bit more details though, specific for Ubuntu (9.04).
I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. My Java version is "java-1.5.0-sun-" located in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-".
I first downloaded Eclipse (the "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers (182 MB)" version) from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ (according to some, the classic package will do fine as well).
When starting up Eclipse, you get to choose a place to store the workspace. I created a workspace called "bioclipse-master" where I'll keep the master branch of Bioclipse checked out.
I checked out the bioclipse source by going to the workspace folder I created earler
cd [your-specific-location-of-eclipse-workspaces]/bioclipse-master
git clone git://github.com/olas/bioclipse.core.git
Then, inside Eclipse, I imported the newly created project folder by means of:
Voila! Running Bioclipse 2.2! :)
The Bioclipse SDK (Software Development Kit) provides with an easy wizard to get you started building your next Bioclipse plugin, creating a Biomanager for the plugin, and code stubs for you to fill in with your code.
See also Egon's original instructions, for creating a Bioclipse plugin using the Bioclipse SDK.
Done! Now you should have a new project in your navigator.
in the navigator.