I switched laptop recently, so I needed to set up my development environment for Bioclipse 2.2 plugin development from scratch. Since the instructions for how to do this are spread over a couple of blogs and the wiki, I used the occasion to create an integrated howto, for my own documentation as well as for anyone interested.
After som hard work by Egon (finally resulting in this commit), which includes (in addition to the plugin file structure created with the Bioclipse SDK) an eclipse product file which means Bioclipse can now be started with the (empty) drprolog plugin enabled, and available in the JavaScript console inside Bioclipse.
Will now start the work of creating a Bioclipse manager for the integration of DR-PROLOG into Bioclipse.
Egon pointed me to a blog post about a feature they've made in order to make it easier for us who are new to Bioclipse development to get started. Nice, det tackar vi för!