var start2 = new Date().getTime(); // js.say(blipkit.queryProlog( [ "findMoleculeWithPeakValuesNear", "100", "[23.3, 23.3, 23.5, 23.5, 26.1, 60.5, 90.0, 132.1, 0]", "Molecules" ] )); js.say(blipkit.queryProlog( [ "findMoleculeWithPeakValuesNear", "100", "[12.5, 13.8, 23.8, 36.5, 44.3, 78.8, 87.3, 133.8, 0]", "Molecules" ] )); var elapsed2 = (new Date().getTime() - start2)/1000; js.say("Total time for finding molecule by shift values (Near-search): " + elapsed2 + " s");
[['.'('', [])]] Total time for finding molecule by shift values (Near-search): 2.575 s [['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])], ['.'('', [])]] Total time for finding molecule by shift values (Near-search): 2.385 s [['.'('', [])]] Total time for finding molecule by shift values (Near-search): 2.729 s
findMoleculeWithPeakValuesNear( SearchShiftValues, Molecules ) :- setof( Molecule, ( listPeakShiftsOfMolecule( Molecule, MoleculeShiftValues ), containsListElementsNear( SearchShiftValues, MoleculeShiftValues ) ), Molecules ). listPeakShiftsOfMolecule( Molecule, ListOfPeaks ) :- hasSpectrum( Molecule, Spectrum ), findall( ShiftValue, ( hasPeak( Spectrum, Peak ), hasShiftValue( Peak, ShiftValue ) ), ListOfPeaks ). containsListElementsNear( [ElemHead|ElemTail], List ) :- memberCloseTo( ElemHead, List ), ( containsListElementsNear( ElemTail, List ); ElemTail == [] ). memberCloseTo( X, [ Y | Tail ] ) :- closeTo( X, Y ). memberCloseTo( X, [ Y | Tail ] ) :- memberCloseTo( X, Tail ). closeTo( Val1, Val2 ) :- abs(Val1 - Val2) =< 0.3. hasSpectrumId( Subject, Predicate ) :- rdf_db:rdf( Subject, '', Predicate). hasShiftValue( Peak, ShiftValue ) :- rdf_db:rdf( Peak, '', literal(type('nmr:ppm', ShiftValueLiteral))), atom_number_create( ShiftValueLiteral, ShiftValue ). hasPeak( Subject, Predicate ) :- rdf_db:rdf( Subject, '', Predicate).
// JavaScript //var myStore = pellet.createStore("runningbioclipse/JenaTDB3"); // var myStore = pellet.createInMemoryStore(); var myStore = pellet.createStore("runningbioclipse/JenaTDB6"); var start = new Date().getTime(); rdf.importFile(myStore, "runningbioclipse/", "RDF/XML"); var elapsed = (new Date().getTime() - start)/1000; js.say("Total time for importing with Pellet: " + elapsed + " s"); // rdf.importFile(myStore, "runningbioclipse/NMRDatatypes.R2.rdf.xml", "RDF/XML"); // var myStore = pellet.createStore("runningbioclipse/JenaTDB3"); var sparql = " PREFIX onto: <> PREFIX afn: <> PREFIX fn: <> SELECT distinct ?shift WHERE { ?peak onto:hasShift ?shift . FILTER ( fn:abs(?shift - 12.5) < 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 23.8) <= 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 36.5) <= 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 44.3) <= 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 78.8) <= 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 87.3) <= 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 133.8) <= 0.3 && fn:abs(?shift - 0.0) <= 0.3 )} LIMIT 10"; var start2 = new Date().getTime(); js.say(pellet.reason(myStore, sparql)); var elapsed2 = (new Date().getTime() - start2)/1000; js.say("Total time for retreiving Molecules with shift near [12.5, 13.8, 23.8, 36.5, 44.3, 78.8, 87.3, 133.8, 0], with Pellet: " + elapsed2 + " s");
Total time for importing with Pellet: 137.739 s [] Total time for retreiving Molecules with shift near [12.5, 13.8, 23.8, 36.5, 44.3, 78.8, 87.3, 133.8, 0], with Pellet: 215.035 s
No results! :( I'm doing something wrong here ...