1. Run, in a MySQL command prompt:
DELETE FROM menu_links WHERE menu_links.module = 'system' OR 'admin_menu';
drop table i18n_strings; update variable set value="i:0" where name="i18nstrings_update_skip";
1. Disable all components under "Multilanguage" (i18n)
2. Uninstall
UPDATE users SET pass = md5('newpassword') WHERE uid = 1;
France24, a french news website, recently upgraded from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6, taking benefit of improved performance and functionality. In the course, they have developed a seemingly quite impressive set of modules that provide the functionality that was missing in Drupal in order to create a highly flexibly layouted, and easy-worked news website - features which are highly general to many categories of websites. The good news is that they now have released most, if not all, of their custom modules as open source, as reported on drupal.org. Great news!
As work has now started on getting bioclipse.net on Drupal (more on that in a while), it's good to know that Drupal is in to semantic web.
I was wondering what it looks like (since I have not had time to play with it), and to me, this screenshot was clarifying, showing how you can map fields (core fields, or your own custom ones) to rdf types (In drupal you can create both custom fields, and custom content types, which contain many fields).