Trying to get DR-PROLOG up running, following the instructions found here.
I have installed SWI Prolog and XSB Prolog. In order to compile SWI-Prolog, I had to install the following packages in Ubuntu (9.04), as mentioned in the README.debian file:
libxext-dev libice-dev libjpeg62-dev libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libxpm-dev libxt-dev pkg-config
It is now possible to start the DR-PROLOG Java application, but not to start the DR-PROLOG engine (from the DR-PROLOG menu in the Java application) .
Since I'm originally a windows user and still using it sometimes, I'm keeping an eye on the status of git on windows.
Seems like there's more to do, but some things are happening: MSysGit Seems to be the currently best solution, while GitSharp looks promising. For MSysGit there's a guide on getting started with Git and GitHub on Windows.
After som hard work by Egon (finally resulting in this commit), which includes (in addition to the plugin file structure created with the Bioclipse SDK) an eclipse product file which means Bioclipse can now be started with the (empty) drprolog plugin enabled, and available in the JavaScript console inside Bioclipse.
I ran into troubles trying to check out a specific branch from github.
I asked about it at #git on FreeNode IRC channel. I'll summarize how to do it:
First run:
git clone git://[path to your project]...git
Then go:
git branch -a see what branches you have.
So, one week has passed, or almost one, since my official (degree-)project start this monday.
Will start off with a short presentation of what I'm doing (or going to). My suggested project title is "Integration of DR-PROLOG for semantic reasoning in Bioclipse".
Reading up on Life Science databases et.c... which continues to generate "abbreviations" that are useful to know well.
Will now start the work of creating a Bioclipse manager for the integration of DR-PROLOG into Bioclipse.
Egon pointed me to a blog post about a feature they've made in order to make it easier for us who are new to Bioclipse development to get started. Nice, det tackar vi för!
I now got up and running Bioclipse (2.2) on Eclipse 3.5 :)
I had problems first when just copying the old worspace (Bioclipse 2.0 for Eclipse 3.4), but it was just because I had forgot to upgrade the Bioclipse code base. So I did it, with the command:
git pull
A collegue of Mats Gustafsson mentioned about Blipkit today. Seems worth checking up.
The thought struck me for a second that it could be even more interesting to integrate, than DR-PROLOG, since it is biomedically oriented. Maybe not, but worth thinking of I guess.
EDIT: Checked up with Egon, who pointed out that it doesn't seem to have a good interface for integration to Java, which would complicate things. Seems like a good point.