Pellet, the reasoning system already integrated in Bioclipse, is based on so called "Description Logics".
I finally found a summary that contrasts RDF, RDF Schema, OWL, and rule languages (SWRL in this case) in a few sentences:
Read up on:
This is how to create a "Hello World" kind of program in SWI-Prolog, as installed on Ubuntu (Jaunty).
PROLOG usage can be divided into two phases, one in which you write the Prolog program, and the other in which you query the program. The first phase is easiest done in a separate file. So create a file, i.e., in you home folder, and edit it with a text editor like GEdit or Kate (Kate is much more powerful).
Was fighting with installation of Installing Telia 3G Mobile Broadband with Option 505 3G on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) this weekend.
After installation problems with DR-PROLOG, and after looking closer to Blipkit/BioProlog (Biomedical Logic Programming Knowledge Integration Kit), after a suggestion by Claes Andersson, I now aim to integrate it instead of DR-PROLOG.
I discovered Mendeley today. Except for it's citation organization features, for which it is not unique (there are CiteUlike, JabRef and more) it works as a desktop app that indexes all your local PDF documents, and has an internal PDF viewer that lets you annotate the documents. These two are killer features that I've been looking for since a long time.
It's a pity though that it is proprietary. It would naturally feel better to put your work in the hands of an open system.
I just read a paper on BlipKit/BioProlog, (July 2009). This is interesting stuff!
I'll collect some quotes from the paper, that give some key info about the system's capabilities: