
Pondering over strategies for evaluating BLIPKIT vs Pellet for use with NMRShift data

As a subproject, I'm now focusing on doing some comparison between reasoning in Prolog and Pellet, using example data from Below I'm documenting my planning, + any new findings while I'm digging in to this subpeoject.

Reading tip: Quick overview of Prolog and it's role in Semantic Web

I Just read this paper on using thea for OWL (Web Ontology Language) reasoning from within Prolog.

Description Logic vs Prolog

Pellet, the reasoning system already integrated in Bioclipse, is based on so called "Description Logics".

Initial observations on the difference between Prolog based reasoners (Blipkit) and DL-reasoners (Pellet)

  • Pellet is coupled with a Datalog reasoner. 1. Sirin E, Parsia B, Grau BC, Kalyanpur A, Katz Y: Pellet: A practical OWL-DL reasoner. World Wide Web Internet And Web Information Systems 2007, 5:51-53.
  • Datalog is a subset of Prolog
  • Jena too seems to have a datalog implementation, according to
  • DLP is the intersection of Horn logic and OWL, where as SWRL is (roughly) the union of them. <fn>1. Parsia B, Sirin E, Grau BC, Ruckhaus E, Hewlett D: Cautiously Approaching SWRL.